The Death of MySpace


With the fast growing and fast expanding world of social media, it is hard for a social media platform to stay relevant. What makes a social platform successful is the ability to keep up with the evolving industry. Facebook is an example of a successful social media platform that has stayed relevant for almost a decade, if not longer. However, there are platforms that have not been able to stay relevant. Many young adults are familiar with an expired platform called MySpace. If you were to ask young teens today, many of them would be unfamiliar with MySpace. MySpace had to adjust their polices and adjust their platform when Facebook came onto the scene. Facebook became a thing and immediately was a competitor of MySpace. Before this, MySpace was one of the main social media platforms at the time. Facebook created a new area for users to experience this created a problem for MySpace. As we see today MySpace is not relevant anymore, this is due to not adjusting in the best way to compete with Facebook. Before Facebook came into play MySpace had more then forty million users, way more then Facebook at the time.


MySpace unlike other media platforms that have been able to keep a competitive edge, failed in maintaining their edge in the market. MySpace had the advantage at the time they had more users and a wide known name. This demonstrates how careful a company must be when operating on the internet. At any moment something can come about that knocks a certain company in this case MySpace off the top step. Facebook demonstrates a company that has been able to adapt. Even when Twitter came along Facebook was able to stay relevant while Twitter was making its mark. This is where MySpace failed. “MySpace was created by people in the entertainment industry, not by technology gurus, therefore they could not innovate at the pace that they needed to compete,” Connie Chan, an analyst with Chess Media Group, told HuffPost in an email. “So when Facebook came on the scene, a newer better way to network with your friends surfaced – Facebook offered something as basic as being able to actually see your real friends vs. anonymous friends. ”MySpace was on top and could have stayed on top if they amended their platform, but instead of doing that the CEO’s laid off a majority of employees to try and save money, which eventually lead to the complete death of MySpace. However if MySpace went about this differently they could still be a top competitor to this day. 9T7Sm6a

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