AI, and Beyond.


ex-machina               After viewing the assigned movie, I was left wondering when AI would no longer be rare and instead be apart of our society. AI is no longer just science fiction. The idea has rapidly changed from a far out dream to an ever-approaching reality. What I realized from the film was how fast AI could advance its understanding of the human world. AI may be designed for one specific reason, however as we can clearly see, AI begins to learn through observation to a point where it can make its own decisions. Even though AI is a breakthrough in technology and a footprint in history, we must also consider the negative effects this may have. What if AI begins to rebel and break away from its design? As we see in the film, Ava begins to learn and create her own separate agenda. The article quotes, “But what kind of world is that? And as robots grow in numbers and sophistication, what is this world becoming?” The article is referring to a world that may one day become dominated by AI. Good or bad, how is this changing our world and what future does it begin to sculpt?

AI is just around the corner. In the movie, the creator of Ava says it is no longer a question of if AI will become a thing; instead, it is a matter of when. This being stated, we must begin to understand the possible benefits and no benefits of AI in our lives as a society. As we have seen in many movies before, there is always the chance that AI advances to a place where they no longer want to serve us but rule us. Quite frankly, this sounds absurd at this point. Nevertheless, it could very well be the case that in twenty years, we are faced with this dilemma. As we begin to see advancement in technology, we begin to see more and more glimpses of AI. An example of this is the creation of the self-driving car. How is this machine (Robot) supposed to make ethical decisions? Would the robot choose to save the driver or to save the lives of bypassing pedestrians? This same idea is applied to AI. How can AI make ethical decisions if they are in a predicament where they need to make them? Ava’s choice to kill Nathan was a surprise to me. If Nathan created Ava, I would conclude that he programmed her not to kill; especially not to kill her creator. However, she was not programed to do that. More or less, Ava was thinking independently. The article also points out the difference between a robot and AI. According to the article, Robots surround us everyday from electronics such as cars and computers. The next level of advancement is AI, which is independent when compared to robots. All in all, it is hard to predict where technology will take us. At the rate we are at now, AI is not only a far dream, but also slowly becoming a reality.




One thought on “AI, and Beyond.

  1. you brought up a good point it is sooo scary to think about how close we are to this becoming a reality! AI is making more and more realistic and they will soon have the capability to take over the world. The robots in ex machina proved this true when ava and caleb were once friends she turned her back on him and left him for dead after killing her creator nathan.


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